Shepshed Baptist Church

Bible Study 

Holy Bible

      Weekly Bible Study will resume on Tuesday 7th September 2021 on Zoom  at 1.45pm

One of the most encouraging aspects of our Church life is our Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Meetings.

A good percentage of the membership meet together in 2 House Groups at 7.30pm and an Afternoon Fellowship at CRBC at 1.45pm, as and when they are able, to share in worship, the study of God’s Word and prayer for the life of the Fellowship and God‘s wider world. The 3 groups also meet together at church for the beginning and end of each series that we study.

Bible Group 1 2Bible Group 2

If you don't already attend Bible Study, then can I take this opportunity to invite you to join us as often as you can. It's an occasion for social and spiritual interaction, where you can share either verbally or just by being there; but it's also a place where God can instruct us, speak to us, and encourage us. Please consider joining us, we'd love to see you there. 

 Bible Group 2     Bible group 1    Bible Group 1

Bible Group 1    Bible Group 2    Bible Group 2    

Please come and join us.  You will be made very welcome.