Shepshed Baptist Church

2nd Shepshed Girl's Brigade

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2nd Shepshed Girl's Brigade at Shepshed Baptist Church 

2ns Shepshed Girl's Brigade the place to bee!

GB Bee

We meet on Friday evenings between 6.00-7,00pm, in term time only. 
We offer a warm welcome, activities such as games, crafts, devotions, badge work 
and community activities.

The 2nd Shepshed Girl's Brigade belongs to a global Christian movement with a passionate
vision for this generation and the future - it's committed to seeing lives transformed and enriched
as individuals seek, serve and follow Jesus Christ.

If your daughter is interested in joining the Girl's Brigade  
please give Rachael Lukavec a call on 07415 492945 or request to join
2nd Shepshed Girls Brigade. Your daughter will receive a warm welcome!